
Hobby foto's

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Welkom bij PA3DAT
This used to be my Dutch hamradio-homepage.
First published in 1999, I'm active again since 2008...

We did some IOTA-activation during short periods in the second half of july 2010. My wife (Femma, PA3DWK) and I visited some Danish and Swedish islands for our holidays.
We thank you for working us from the following islands:


Farř, EU-029, OZ/PA3DAT - JO54XW Google-map
Date: 15/07/2010 - Freq. 14.260 MHz.

I have been working on 20 meters during some hours in the evening. Made a total of 112 QSO's, which will be confirmed after we get back home, mid august. Thanks for calling in!


Öland, EU-037, SM7/PA3DAT - JO86EE Google-map
Date: 18 & 19/07/2010 - Freq. 14.260 MHz.

From the island of Öland I've made some 150 QSO's, mainly in the evening of july 18 and 19. Many nice contacts, including Japan, India and South-America!
We're now heading for Stockholm, and then north to the island of Singö, where we hope to arrive by friday!

Singö, EU-084, SM0/PA3DAT - JP90JD Google-map
Date: 22/07/2010 - Time: 15.00 UTC - Freq. 14.240 MHz.

Singö, EU-084, SM0/PA3DAT - JP90JD Google-map
On July 24/25 I participated in the IOTA-contest from Singö,
SOU, 12H, LP, mixed.

Alnön, EU-087, SM3/PA3DAT - JP82(RI) Google-map
Date: 27/07/2010 - Time: 16.00 UTC - Freq. 14.260 MHz.
We had a wonderful place to stay the night with our campingcar, on Alnön. Nearly on the beach, with a splendid view over the Baltic Sea and the smaller islands!

Conditions stopped early on 20 meters, I've worked only 55 stations from Europe. Most of them Russian, DL, PA, and some Mediterrenean.

We travel by campingcar, running a
Yaesu FT857, 100 Watt into a 1/4-wave vertical.

Exact dates, time and frequencies were published here, thank you for calling in and/or spotting us!
Last updated: July 28, 2010.

(You can also visit our holiday-blog, but it's only in Dutch...)

Sinds februari 2008 ben ik lid van de PACC-contestgroep PA3FKN. In het tweede weekend van februari deden we met een team van 10 personen weer mee aan de PACC-contest vanuit onze contestboerderij in Friesland.
We hebben ook een website: www.pa3fkn.nl

Sinds 1979 neem ik deel aan de Jamboree On The Air (JOTA), een internationaal radio/scouting-evenement. De laatste jaren als "first operator" van PA3DAT/J, het Jota-station van de Vaandrig Lengton Groep in Zwolle. Dit jaar wordt dus mijn 32e keer zonder onderbreking!
In 2000 maakte ik er een website'je van, met onze Jota-2000 belevenissen in 165 foto's en 4 filmpjes!
Bezoek de website...

Onderstaand mijn huidige HF/VHF/UHF-transceiver. Met 100 watt output op alle kortegolf-banden, 100 watt op 6 meter, 50 watt in de 2-meterband (VHF) én 50 watt op 70cm (UHF)!

73 de Aloys, PA3DAT
Kampen, The Netherlands

© 1998 - 2010. PA3DAT / Aloys de Vries